Will Riot Ban LoL Smurf Accounts?

Posted by TomRiva
from the Agriculture category at
16 Jun 2023 02:06:39 am.
What are the problems with Smurf Accounts?Smurf accounts, or alt accounts, pose a significant challenge in League of Legends. Players using these accounts often exhibit toxic behavior without consequences since penalties do not affect their main accounts. This behavior can lead to negative experiences for both high-ranked and low-ranked players, disrupting the overall game environment.
The Ease of Creating Alt AccountsCreating new accounts in League of Legends is a straightforward process, lacking any linkage to the main account. With multiple email addresses, players can easily create new accounts and continue their disruptive behavior. Moreover, the availability of pre-leveled LoL Unranked Accounts for purchase further exacerbates the issue, as players can quickly access accounts at different skill levels.
Adding Phone Numbers to AccountsSome players have suggested adding phone numbers to League of Legends accounts as a solution. By linking all accounts to a single phone number, players who engage in toxic behavior on one account would face consequences across all their linked accounts. While this approach may not be foolproof, it adds an extra layer of accountability and discourages players from misusing alt accounts.
Riot's Efforts and Future PlansAlthough Riot has acknowledged the problem of smurf accounts, there is limited information available about the specific measures being implemented to address the issue. Riot's focus has primarily been on combating botted accounts, leaving players eager to learn more about the systems being put in place.
ConclusionThe presence of smurf accounts continues to be a concern for players in League of Legends. While Riot has made progress in combating toxicity, players are calling for additional measures to address the disruptive behavior associated with alt accounts. By exploring solutions such as linking accounts to phone numbers, Riot can foster a more positive and fair gaming environment for all players. If you want to Buy LoL Smurf Accounts fastly, please enter rpgstash.com