Blizzard bans an undead army of 120,000 Death Knight bots in WoW Classic

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Posted by cuipeng202 from the Environment category at 22 Mar 2023 03:08:58 am.
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Blizzard EntertainmentIn Warcraft lore, the Death Knights can be a formidable legion of undead warriors, raised from death to combat forever more. So it’s a type of thematically appropriate, if still annoying, that they’ve become bot farmers’ favorite class in WOTLK Classic Gold: Wrath from the Lich King Classic, flooding servers using mindless grinding.
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The reason? In both original and Classic releases of Wrath in the Lich King, Death Knights start at level 55, only 15 levels shy of the level cap. Originally, you needed another character at the same level or higher to create one. But in Wrath Classic, Blizzard waived that requirement — presumably aiming to tempt back players who had been nostalgic for just one of WoW’s best classes (and expansions), but didn’t would like to grind to obtain there. That made the Death Knight a great shortcut for bot farmers on fresh accounts, looking to obtain to endgame grinding just as easily as possible.
Blizzard may be forced to act, reinstating the restriction on creating Death Knights from an original game and banning approximately 120,000 offending accounts in a very special wave.
“Over recent weeks, we’ve taken actions that removed almost 120,000 malicious accounts from your World of Warcraft ecosystem, including both Wraths from the Lich King Classic and Classic Era. This is along with our usual, ongoing brainwaves, which frequently include actions against hundreds of thousands of accounts weekly,” WoW Classic producer Josh “Aggrend” Greenfield wrote for the game’s official forum.
Explaining the choice to reinstate the restriction on creating Death Knights, Greenfield said, “We felt it turned out very important with the launch of Wrath in the Lich King Classic to present anyone who needed to hop into this iconic expansion a chance to do so with as few barriers as you can. Allowing every accounting entry to Death Knights — regardless of whether they did not match the historic requirements — was important. However, ever since the initial launch period has died, we do not wish to let the unrestricted introduction of Death Knights on new accounts. It’s a tempting vector for malicious actors to use for getting into the action and start exploiting in a short time.”
The decision seems largely to get gone down well while using the cheap wotlk classic gold community, although for some it had been too late, or else too little. “I’m gonna be frank they’ve been ruining a sizable portion of the game for months now,” said one player within the official forum.
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