The WoW blog provides a comprehensive overview

Posted by Emilylowes
from the Agriculture category at
21 Feb 2023 03:39:59 pm.
We first watched Battle for Azeroth teased in November last year. The world has been plunged into a war between the Alliance and Horde and we know that the expansion will bring various new continents and boost the maximum level to 120. However, not everything is getting refreshed. PvP abilities are seeing a changes, and there are three new additions to sink your teeth into War Mode, bounties along with Bounties and Dueler's Guild.
New WoW Battle For Azeroth Expansion's PvP mode, War Mode, Bounties Plus More Information - GS News Update
The WoW blog provides a comprehensive overview of these features. This time around, PvP talents might be a little different than what you're used to. In Legion the game, you can earn talents through playing in PvP , and getting honor points, but this makes new players at a disadvantage. With Battle for Azeroth, talents will be available as you advance in. Instead of rows to choose from, you'll have diverse groups of talents to select from. By the time you reach level 110 all talents will be readily available for you to select from.
Stemming off from that is a whole new way to get into PvP: War Mode. There are no boundaries, like rules for servers. Any player can play in any world and opt-in or out whenever they'd like.
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