Spoiled Water on My Laptop – How can Fix it?

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Posted by imobilerepairs from the Business category at 19 Feb 2023 10:09:14 am.
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You've managed to spoil your water tumbler all over your Apple Macbook or laptop and panic have set in. Do not worry, accidents occur, and trust us, it happened to all of us and occurs a lot more than you'd think.

Why are not laptops waterproof yet? A great question, but we are not there yet. In this blog, we're going to explain what you can do to potentially save your water-damaged device from an untimely death.

We cannot promise these tips will work in every situation, but hopefully, they'll work for you.

What occurs to your Laptop when you spill water on it?

So first, let's examine why water is so damaging to your device. Well, inside your laptop is a lot of complicated machines and circuitry and parts, from the CPU to the RAM and everything in between. This circuitry allows for electrical charges and signals from the processor to the other parts responsible for running your machine.

The reason why water or liquid is so damaging is the fact that it conducts electricity and it can cause short circuits which blow the complex, small circuitry in the motherboard. It leads to parts failing spectacularly. Certain functions, like the CPU and motherboard, are especially vulnerable.

So can a laptop or Mac still work after spilling on it?

Well, it'll depend on 2 things, the number of water spillers and your luck. If you're lucky or have spilled a small amount of water, there's a good chance that your device will survive. It'll also depend upon how quickly you act, as we'll discuss in the following section.

Steps to repair your water-damaged Apple Macbook or Laptop

The 1st step to rescue such a situation is to power off the device and remove all power sources linked to your laptop. Do not waste your time while doing the official procedure of shutting down the device, just press the power key and shut it down.

Remove the battery and other external hardware such as USB, mouse, charger, CD, or memory card if possible. Though, there're certain laptops does not let you remove the battery.

It's suggested to remove the battery to avoid any possible short circuit in your device.

Wipe out all the water that's on the surface to ensure that no excess amount of water goes inside the device.

Place a towel or any lint-free fabric on the flat surface and then open the device wide depending on its flexibility and set its face down on the towel. It'll seem like a tiny tent. It'll help the liquid to move out rather than sink inside.

Ensure that the area where you're keeping your laptop for evaporating the water should be warm and airy, you can also use humidifiers. Do not use a warm hair dryer which might lead to errors in the system.

Keep your laptop in a similar upside-down position for about a minimum of 2 to 3hrs without disturbing it. Wipe out the water found on the surface or keyboard while keeping the laptop in the spot before you put it in the normal direction.

If your device allows you to detach its internals

  • Before touching your laptop's internals, ensure that your feet are in touch with the ground, which will remove the static electricity from your body and clothes that might kill circuitry.
  • There'll be many screws you might need to open before reaching inside your laptop.
  • Before unscrewing the device, find the guide manual of your laptop and read the instructions which will help you in removing the hardware and will guide you through the procedure as you mightn't be a hardware expert.
  • Remove the hardware that you can, do not rush the process and damage the sensitive parts.
  • If you do not find detaching the internal parts easy or if you get confused even after following the manual, then the best choice is to go to a professional to fix your device rather than doing it yourself.
  • If you're able to detach the internal conventionally, then pat them dry using a lint-free cloth, or you can also use ear buds to clean the micro-components of your reach.
  • Cleaning with low-compressed air can also be used but ensure that the pressure compressed doesn't cause damage to your laptop's hardware.
  • Leave your device to dry internally. Keep the laptop in a dry and warm area.
  • Never keep your device in sunlight to fasten the procedure as it would not help, instead, the rays of the sun might cause serious harm to your laptop.
  • After the complete drying of your device's hardware, reassemble every part and clean any sticky or greasy content running out of your device.
  • The whole procedure is, and it'll take 24hrs minimum.
  • Do not rush to turn on the laptop in a hurry, take your time and let the device get perfectly dried.
  • After you get satisfied your laptop or Mac is free from water, then turn on the shore and check the overall functioning from hardware to software.


If your device does not let you detach its internal parts

  • Even if your device cannot be detached, you can pay to dry the external surface and turn your device upside down.
  • Soak-up the moisture as much as possible.
  • Check whether there's any warranty that's still applicable on your device, as most of the un-detachable devices have a warranty for their internal parts.
  • Do not try to open laptop forcefully, because if you detach such machines, we mightn't take responsibility for the possible damage.
Leave the water damage to the Mac or Laptop to the professionals

As many modern devices are not designed to be opened up, we recommend leaving this to professional laptop and Mac repairs like iMobilerepairs. Our experts have the right knowledge and tools to do this right and the experience to identify and fix water-damaged devices.

A device might become inoperable immediately after becoming wet. Sometimes, however, water damage does not take effect instantly.

So, if you have given your device time to dry out and it is working well but suddenly develops problems days or weeks down the track, it'll likely result from delayed water or liquid damage.

Electricity and water do not mix - Especially in MacBook and Laptop

The main damage with water damage is that when the device is back on or charged, you're introducing power and current into the device, and if any liquids remain present, you'll fry the delicate internal electronic parts.

In this case, it's likely that the liquid behind has slowly corroded or compromised an important part of your device. If you want to maximize the performance and life of your water-damaged device, we recommend taking it to experts as soon as possible so they can make an assessment.

Signs your computer has water damage:

  • Issues with charging or retaining battery power
  • Your device would not be on at all.
  • Parts of your screen are dim or flickering.
  • Unreliable keyword or Trackpad features.
  • Visual signs of residue.
Related Questions

Can I use a hairdryer to dry my laptop?

Yes, you can use it on low settings, paired with a cotton drying cloth or kitchen towel if you can see the moisture you need to dry. If not, we recommend avoiding using one.

How long does a laptop take to dry properly?

As mentioned above, you'd leave your device for minimum 24hrs if you want the best chance of saving it without taking it to a repair shop. We recommend this even if you do want to go to the repair center, either way, as it'll dry out the immediate threat.

How long does water damage take to slow on Mac or Laptop?

This can vary. Large amounts of liquid will cause damage quickly, and sometimes immediately. Smaller amounts might take 12-15 hours if you do not drain the device immediately.

Can I put my device in rice?

Don't do this. Please.

Can moisture damage my laptop?

Yes, using laptops and Macs in most environments can cause the same issues as water damage if the condensed moisture makes its way into your device.

Get professional laptop and Mac water damage repairs

If you have unsuccessfully tried to repair a water-damaged Mac or laptop yourself, all hope is not lost! We recommend taking it to a repair shop as soon as you can minimize the damage. iMobilerepairs, we can professionally dismantle it, assess the damage, and replace the damaged parts to get your device working again as soon as possible.

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