Albert Einstein and the Violin

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Posted by lastringplayer from the Arts & Entertainment category at 25 Jan 2023 10:24:26 am.
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While scribbling difficult formulas about E=mc2on a chalkboard, it may have been Mozart’s Violin Sonata in C that coursedthrough his considerable brain.<o:p></o:p>

We may have Mozart to thank for E=mc2.

The most famous scientific equation in theworld, given us by none other than Albert Einstein, is a product of the man’sgenius. As a theoretical physicist, his theory of relativity is one of manycontributions he made to the development of quantum mechanics. He was educatedat the Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, Switzerland and later received aPhD from the University of Zurich. Einstein taught at many European andAmerican universities, and was a resident scholar at the Institute for AdvancedStudy in Princeton, New Jersey.

But there is strong evidence, as well asdirect quotes from Professor Einstein himself, that suggest his love of musicmay have played a key role in his cognitive development and in his workthroughout his life.

Einstein’s mother, Pauline Koch, was herselfa pianist of some accomplishment. She introduced young Albert at age 6 to theviolin. He didn’t take to it at first, but at the age of 13 he becameacquainted with Mozart’s violin sonatas. He more or less self-taught andachieved accolades from those who heard him. There is some debate on howaccomplished he may have been – photographs of him playing with hisbeloved chamber ensembles show poor form, such as failing to bow the instrumentperpendicular to the strings. But it was a lifelong passion. He carried aviolin with him wherever he traveled and he enjoyed performing for friends andfamily until late in life.

In recent decades the role of music incognitive development has been well established. Studies indicate that thestudy of music, and playing an instrument in particular, helps with languageprocessing, memory retention, math, social skills development, academicsuccess, and long-term success in life.

A study published in Frontiers in Neuroscience (“Longitudinal Analysis of Music Educationon Executive Functions in Primary School Children,” Jaschke, Honing, Scherder,2018) found “structured music lessons significantly enhance children’scognitive abilities – including language based reasoning, short-term memory,planning, and inhibition – leading to improved academic performance.”

Reportedly, the great physicist said, “lifewithout playing music is inconceivable for me. I live my daydreams in music. Isee my life in terms of music. I get most joy in life out of music.”

Einstein owned several fine violins. In 2018, one sold at auction for $516,500, an amount far beyondits intrinsic valuation (Einstein memorabilia is a highly valued and finitecategory for collectors). Originally a gift to Einstein from Oscar Steger, a violin maker who was a member of theHarrisburg Symphony Orchestra, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist gave theinstrument to a Princeton University janitor, Sylas Hibbs, whose son Lawrencewas studying the violin.

Perhaps musical training also engendersgenerosity and empathy. But does it take a genius to figure that out?
July 2024
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