Shadowlands was based on the same system of ending-game

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Posted by hgdgsvhgvuj from the Agriculture category at 08 Dec 2022 12:30:53 am.
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Flash forward to 2022. just after the release date of the final patch for Shadowlands and what could be described as a year of reckoning for Blizzard and the belief that players will never return to the game may no longer be the case. Affected by ongoing sexual harassment and discrimination controversies and two massively popular expansions in a row and more competition game play MMO space than ever before, the throne held by WoW seems ripe for the making.

This is a fault of Blizzard's own making. Despite huge sales players soon became unhappy with Shadowlands the expansion, which transported players to an entirely new realm of the universe and included appearances by the most-loved characters of fans like Uther, Garrosh Hellscream, and more. On paper, it should have been a smash hit.

Unfortunately, Shadowlands proved to be an unforgiving disappointment. While WoW's core gameplay is as snappy and enjoyable in its current form, players have immersed in systems that appear bent on sucking the fun out of the game. The roguelike-inspired Torghast dungeon quickly became a time-consuming task players had to finish each week. Stories were a burden to creating weekly and daily lists for weeks on end. Players felt shackled into choices like Covenants and constrained by systems such as Conduit Energy as well as calls from the community for change going unanswered ears for too long. The changes to these systems were eventually made however they were too late for them to be of any significance.

Shadowlands was based on the same system of ending-game world quests, reputation grinds, as well as Mythic+ progression that the game's popular Legion and, later on, less popular Battle for Azeroth expansions did. While these systems worked in Legion when it was innovative and exciting, everything but Mythic+ had worn out their welcome with Battle for Azeroth. When those systems then came forward into Shadowlands for the third time, it was like Blizzard was running out of new concepts. The game in Shadowlands, WoW felt less like a game to be played and more of a checklist to complete on a daily and weekly basis.

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