In a post to the official WoW Classic forums

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Posted by anqilan456 from the Agriculture category at 01 Dec 2022 05:54:31 am.
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Blizzard Reduces Price Of WoW Burning Crusade Classic Cloning Fee After Player Outcry

World of Warcraft Classic's upcoming Cloning of characters will see pricing reduced after a user outcry. The cost of copying one character to ensure it can be played simultaneously on WoW Classic Era realms , as well as future Burning Crusade Classic realms will start at $15. down from the previous announcement of $35 Blizzard earlier announced.

The existing WoW Classic realms will be instantly converted in the Burning Crusade expansion with the introduction of the Burning Crusade pre-patch on May 18. The day after, players will have to decide on a character by character basis whether they want to play on Burning Crusade servers or to switch the realm to Classic Era realms which won't advance to the next expansion. Cloning a character for an additional fee allows that character to be played in every version.

World of Warcraft Classic: The Burning Crusade, Burning Crusade's Reveal

In a post to the official WoW Classic forums, Blizzard presented their original rationale in the reason for the $35 cost. "This option of providing players with another copy of a player in a different game is something new to us," the blog post reads. "Our first idea regarding the value of this service was built around the way we value additional services and other items. We want those who decide to play Classic Era realms to feel like they're making a choice with the possibility that they'll develop relationships and guilds with other players who they can count on.

In the past few days, we've gotten a very substantial amount of comments from the community, and we've made the decision to lower the cost. A lower price will likely nevertheless meet our objectives with the new service, as well as it will allow more players to play characters from simultaneously Classic Era along with Burning Crusade Classic realms."
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