Nov 16 zodiac

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Posted by gerryshown00 from the Computers category at 19 Nov 2022 04:24:24 pm.
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Drop the questions, Taurus. Drop ‘the what’s’, ‘the hows’ and ‘the whys’ as you begin to surrender to the mystery of life. Spirit’s got a plan for you. Spirit’s got a plan for you, beautiful. The more you move into a space of allowance, the easier it will be for unexpected miracles to manifest in your physical experience. Overheard at the cosmic conference: now it’s time to move through life with the inner knowing that it’s already yours. When it comes to your interpersonal relationships, practise patience. There is always more than one side to every story, and this is something you are being asked to become cognisant of today.

Cosmic tip: Move through life with the inner knowing that it’s already yours.

Gemini Horoscope Today: November 16, 2022
But, it’s about the small, simple moments, Gemini. The small, simple moments like sharing an ice-cream with childhood best friend whilst watching the sunset or re-reading the lines of your favourite poem when life feels like a mess. Today, you’re being encouraged to anchor yourself in the present, to remember the joy, beauty and grace that is this moment. The more aware you become, the most you will be able to notice the everyday miracles.

Cosmic tip: Here’s to moments that remind you that life is a mystery that is meant to be celebrated!

Cancer Horoscope Today: November 16, 2022
It’s coming together, Cancer. It’s all coming together for you. Isn’t it heartwarming how miracles manifest unexpectedly when we let go of any and all expectations?! What Spirit wants you to remember: being in a state of allowance is the best gift you can give yourself at this moment. Yes, this means accepting with grace that the things that aren’t working out for you aren’t working out because they are *not* in alignment with your highest and greatest good.

Cosmic tip: Here’s to wishes that come true in the most unexpected manner.

Leo Horoscope Today: November 16, 2022
But, life is a process of trial-and-error, Leo. Nobody hands us a manual. A handbook of sorts to help us navigate the challenges that may be in store. So, be gentle with yourself, beautiful. Give yourself the room you need to make a few mistakes. Know that you have invited these circumstances into your life for a reason, and that turning your wounds into wisdom will give you the strength you need to march forward and onwards with grace.

Cosmic tip: Turn your wounds into wisdom.

Virgo Horoscope Today: November 16, 2022
Today, you’re asked to practise gratitude. To be grateful for what is working out and to be even the more grateful for what isn’t. Spirit has a plan. Spirit has a plan, beautiful, and this plan is always making sure that the circumstances in your life align for your highest and greatest good. So, let go of what isn’t yours with love and tenderness. Know that what you are making space for is far more magnificent than anything you have ever imagined.

Cosmic tip: Trust what your inner wisdom is encouraging you to act upon at this moment.

Libra Horoscope Today: November 16, 2022
This is the season to catch flights not feelings. But, you would know all about that, wouldn’t you, air sign? Overheard at the cosmic conference: if you’re not jetsetting at this moment, you’re probably plotting and planning your next big vacay. So, take a moment to revisit your bucket list or roll a dice on the map of the world and see where it lands. The butterflies in your stomach are affirming that you’re on the right track!

Cosmic tip: Catch flights, not feelings.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: November 16, 2022
It’s all coming together, Scorpio. It’s all coming together in the most unexpected manner. Your dreams and desires are beginning to move from the unmanifest to the physical, bringing a radiant smile to your face. Something tells us a prayer of gratitude is order. What’s more, you’ll find that you are surrounded by joy and beauty, and that your interpersonal relationships are a source of much happiness. Do yourself a favour and let the people you love know just how special they are to you at this time.

Cosmic tip: Your cup is full, beautiful.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: November 16, 2022
We get it, Sagittarius! The earth school tends to get the better of the best of us. But, what you are forgetting at this moment is that there is a rainbow beyond the clouds. There is a rainbow beyond the clouds. So, instead of letting those lower vibrational energies bring you down, embrace the spirit of play. Focus on what you can do to make yourself feel good *today*. Remember, you came here to reconnect your inherent magic. You came here to remember that you deserve to experience joy in every form.

Cosmic tip: Get in the energy of play, beautiful.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: November 16, 2022
It doesn’t matter what others are doing or what means they’re emploting to get to the finish line. The only thing that matters is whether or not you are being true to yourself. Word for the wise: keep your long-term goals in mind and choose integrity over everything else. As such, this could also be a time of breaking out of the system and going your own way. Trust that your inner compass is guiding you in the right direction even if you can’t see the big picture yet.
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