World of Warcraft Is Free to play this weekend

Posted by hgdgsvhgvuj
from the Agriculture category at
20 Oct 2022 03:30:34 am.
An History of World of Warcraft So FarSee MoreWoW: Dragonflight Alpha Adds A New Version of A Classic-Era Dungeon
World of Warcraft : Dragonflight's roster of dungeons will include an upgraded version of a traditional Dungeon that was in its pre-expansion days.
Dragonflight beta testing has started its second stage, offering players the chance to level through the Dracthyr starter zone and to explore the new dungeons which will be part of the game's latest expansion. One of the "new" Dungeons that are being tested is Uldaman which is at most part of it that's new.For more information about World of Warcraft , read about the ways WoW Classic aims to make the world of Azeroth feel safe again.
World of Warcraft Is Free to play this weekend for Players with Inactive Accounts
If you've allowed you World of Warcraft subscription go inactive, Blizzard really wants you to come back this weekend. To encourage players with accounts that are inactive to join again Blizzard is updating accounts that are bundled with expansion packs available through Legion and offering a three-hour trial of the most recent expansion called Battle for Azeroth. World of Warcraft is free to play through Sunday, March 24. To benefit from the limited-time deal, all you have to do is re-download the desktop app, sign into your account, click the World of Warcraft tab, download or update the game and click Play.
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