Fallen Angels Names List

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Posted by selena from the Education category at 20 Oct 2022 01:37:24 am.
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The accompanying rundown of fallen holy messenger names accumulated from various religions, folklores and legend. These heavenly messenger names are of those holy messengers viewed as of a terrible sort and not names of good heavenly messengers.

Fallen Angels Names List

Fallen heavenly messenger names find their foundations inside antiquated societies like Babylon, Assyria, and Egypt, as well as inside Jewish, Christian and Muslim legend.

North of millennia, heavenly messenger names have developed in spelling, significance and use inside religions, supernatural quality - even sorcery where the name of a holy messenger is figured significant to conjure other-worldly assistance. A few customs are said to conjure great holy messengers, while different ceremonies are performed to endeavor to summon fallen holy messengers.

Numerous great heavenly messenger names incorporate a postfix word significance of God (- el), or yah, and that implies Master. This is an essential qualification between higher holy messengers and the individuals who have fallen. The utilization of 'el' inside heavenly names depicts the significance of the holy messenger's association with the Heavenly (God). Both the great and fallen names of holy messengers are customarily and oddly accepted to be strong by certain individuals.

Abezethibou - one-winged Red Ocean fallen heavenly messenger.

Allocen - fallen heavenly messenger who is a duke in damnation.

Amduscias - name of the fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a unicorn.

Amon - fallen heavenly messenger who is major areas of strength for a north of 40 armies.

Amy - name of a fallen holy messenger who is a president in damnation.

Andras - fallen heavenly messenger marquis and seems raven-headed.

Andrealphus - fallen holy messenger who can change people into birds.

Andromalius - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a man holding a snake.

Apollyon - fallen heavenly messenger of death; same as Gehenna.

Armaros - fallen holy messenger who instructs the "settling of charms."

Asmoday - fallen heavenly messenger lord with three heads: a bull, a smash, and a man.

Asmodeus - one of the evilest of fallen heavenly messengers, being an archdemon.

Astaroth - fallen holy messenger who is a fabulous duke in damnation.

Azael - detestable, fallen holy messenger who lived together with ladies.

Azazel - fallen heavenly messenger whose name signifies "God reinforces."

Azza - fallen heavenly messenger whose name signifies "areas of strength for the."

Baal - fallen heavenly messenger whose name signifies "the master."

Balam - fallen holy messenger who seems to be Asmoday with a snake tail.

Balberith - fallen holy messenger who is a great pontiff in damnation.

Baraqijal - fallen heavenly messenger who educates crystal gazing.

Barbatos - fallen holy messenger who is an extraordinary count, lord and duke of misery.

Bathin - pale pony riding fallen heavenly messenger.

Lucifer - fallen heavenly messenger known as the "ruler of evil presences."

Behemoth - fallen heavenly messenger who is the "evil spirit of the profound."

(Video) Fallen Heavenly messengers Genuine Names.

Beleth - fallen holy messenger who is a horrendous lord north of 85 armies.

Belial - misleading wonderful fallen holy messenger whose name signifies "without worth."

Belphegor - fallen holy messenger whose name signifies "master of opening."

Berith - fallen heavenly messenger…

Bernael - fallen heavenly messenger of dimness and insidiousness.

Bifrons - fallen holy messenger that seems enormous and shows numerical expressions.

Botis - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a snake.

Buer - fallen heavenly messenger who shows reasoning, rationale and morals.

Bune - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a winged serpent with three heads.

Caim - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a thrush or man with a blade.

Dantanian - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a man with many countenances.

Decarabia - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a star in a pentacle.

Eligor - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a decent knight with spear.

Enepsigos - fallen holy messenger who shows up looking like lady.

Flauros - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a panther.

Focalor - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a man with griffin wings.

Forcas - fallen holy messenger who shows rationale and morals.

Forneus - fallen holy messenger marquis who shows up as an ocean beast.

Furcas - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a savage man with long facial hair.

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Furfur - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a hart with a red hot tail.

Gaap - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a man with bat wings.

Gadreel - fallen holy messenger whose name signifies "God is my assistant."

Gamygyn - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a little pony.

Glasyalabolas - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a winged canine.

Gomory - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a camel riding lady of magnificence.

Gusion - fallen holy messenger who can observe the past, present or future.

Hagenti - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a bull with griffin wings.

Halpas - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a stork.

(Video) Fallen holy messengers and their jobs here | extremely intriguing

Imamiah - fallen heavenly messenger who oversees journeys.

Initial public offerings - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a heavenly messenger with a lion's head.

Kokabiel - fallen holy messenger whose name signifies "star of God."

Kunopegos - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as an ocean pony and sinks ships.

Lahash - fallen heavenly messenger who slows down heavenly will.

Lerajie - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a toxophilite in green.

Leviathon - fallen heavenly messenger related with the remote oceans.

Lillith - fallen female heavenly messenger who looks for youngsters to hijack or kill.

Lix Tetrax - fallen heavenly messenger of the breeze.

Lucifer - really a Babylonian lord whose name signifies "conveyor of light."

Malpas - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a crow.

Marbas - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a lion.

Marchosias - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a she-wolf with griffin wings.

Mastema - fallen heavenly messenger whose name signifies "antagonism."

Mephistopheles - fallen holy messenger; name signifies "he who loves not the light."

Morax - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a bull.

Naamah - fallen holy messenger of prostitution whose name signifies "satisfying."

Naberius - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a crowing rooster.

Obyzouth - fallen holy messenger femal who kills babies cause actually births.

Onoskelis - female fallen heavenly messenger who lives in caverns and degenerates men.

Orias - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a lion with snake's tail.

Ornias - fallen heavenly messenger who is irritating and can shape-shift.

Orobas - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a pony.

Ose - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a panther and is a president in damnation.

Paimon - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a delegated man on a camel.

Penemuel - fallen heavenly messenger who defiles humankind through composition.

Pharzuph - fallen holy messenger of sex and desire.

Phoenix - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a phoenix bird.

(Video) 10 KWENTO NG FALLEN Heavenly messengers

Procel - fallen holy messenger who can talk about covered up and secret things.

Purah - fallen holy messenger of absent mindedness and the conjuring of the dead.

Purson - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a lion-headed man on a bear.

Qemuel - fallen holy messenger who was annihilated by God.

Rahab - fallen heavenly messenger of pride whose name signifies "viciousness."

Raum - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a crow.

Ronobe - fallen holy messenger who is a beast who shows way of talking and craftsmanship.

Ruax - migraine fallen holy messenger.

Sabnack - fallen holy messenger who shows up as an officer with lion's head.

Saleos - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a trooper on a crocodile.

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Samael - abhorrent fallen heavenly messenger whose name signifies "the visually impaired God."

Satan - christian fallen holy messenger whose name signifies "foe."

Seere - fallen heavenly messenger who shows up as a man on a winged pony.

Semyaza - fallen holy messenger pioneer and one of the Children of God.

Shax - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a stork; stealer of cash.

Solas - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a raven and educates space science.

Sorath - fallen holy messenger to some whose number is 666.

Sytry - fallen holy messenger; shows up as a man with griffin wings and panther head.

Uzza - fallen heavenly messenger whose name signifies "strength."

Valac - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a little child with wings on a mythical beast.

Valefor - fallen holy messenger who shows up as a many-headed lion.
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