Jammer block (GPS) signal device

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Posted by jammer from the Technology category at 04 Oct 2022 09:04:24 am.
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  GPS jammer or GPS cell phone jammer is a device used to interfere or completely block the signals of the Global Positioning System (GPS) in the United States.South Ministry of Defence.
  Fearful of eavesdropping or secretly recording, Holger B wanted to protect himself and bought a jammer.Because the transmitting power of GPS satellites orbiting more than 20,000 kilometers above the earth's surface is relatively low.Thanks to the jammer, the security and rescue required has now become a reality.Jamming a GPS signal requires very little jamming energy to temporarily or completely block the GPS signal.
  An independent survey showed that many guests were disturbed by the constant ringing of their mobile phones.If you carry a so-called GPS jammer with you, the GPS signals will be jammed, making GPS positioning impossible.Protection from GPS Jammers and Jammers In areas of particular safety relevance, the use of advanced technology can reduce the effects of GPS jammers.
  Because if the GPS jammer is activated, you will no longer be able to use the mobile network.This technology has a side effect, which can see both positive and negative sides.In this regard, there is always some residual risk that GPS positioning will be corrupted by criminal energy to disable anti-theft protection or use the vehicle for unintended purposes.
  Interpol statistics also prove that locating a car or truck on board with a permanently installed GPS tracker is an effective method of locating stolen vehicles, even if they have been taken abroad.As we all know, GPS tracking has many advantages.But this positioning also has some drawbacks.
  To stop being a problem, the restaurant owner bought a signal jammer.But even in less dramatic circumstances, GPS tracking has some drawbacks.
  But this can also be seen as an advantage.Because while some complain about liquidity, it's the real reason others buy.The jammer can turn off the complete reception of GPS satellites (due to the jammer).Because buying GPS jammers (cheap devices can be ordered online for less than $80 from most dubious suppliers) and using them can create jamming.
  Therefore, you always have to take into account that using a jammer will also cut off your own cell phone traffic, because the radio frequencies interfered with by the jammer make it possible to make calls from your cell phone.This technology is less practical for logistics and transportation, trade, construction or service companies that use GPS tracking to track cars, trucks or construction machinery in their fleets.
  Holger a hopes this will bring more guests again.Chances are, jammers will be able to do this.This means that it is no longer possible to GPS track the vehicle using a GPS tracker.Secret exchanges of highly explosive information are not uncommon.Even small GPS jammers can jam signals within a radius of about 10 meters.
  Jammers ensure that conversations are uninterrupted and no technical devices within a two-meter radius attempt to conduct eavesdropping attacks or the recording does not work.The jammers may operate at the same or adjacent frequencies, and the field strength of the jammers and the type of interference waves are important.
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