Bobcat meaning

Posted by gerryshown00
from the Computers category at
19 Sep 2022 10:15:51 am.
Bobcats are entirely carnivorous and like to prey on smaller mammals such as rabbits, mice, moles and squirrels. Sometimes birds and reptiles are included in their diets. The largest animals a bobcat has been known to kill are deer, usually in the winter months when small rodents are scarce. Bobcats only hunt from dusk to dawn.
Bobcats favor remote rocky outcrops and heavily wooded areas, though they are, at times, found on the urban edge. Rugged terrain, deep forests and caves make perfect dens and hunting grounds. The home ranges established by bobcats are vast and guarded. Bobcats are very territorial and will outline their space by scent markings. While male territories will sometimes overlap, females won't share their space with any other female bobcat.
As solitary and far-ranging mammals, interactions between humans and bobcats are rare, but humans are the bobcat's largest threat. Bobcats need large areas of interconnected wild lands to thrive. Land development, over-hunting and trapping bobcats for their fur are just a few reasons bobcat populations can decline.
BOBCAT This bobcat was photographed at TNC's Blair Creek Preserve in New Jersey. © Tyler Christensen
Facts about Bobcats
Bobcats emit an eerie scream that can be heard for miles.
A bobcat's personal territory can span out up to 30 square miles for males and five square miles for females. These territories are clearly marked by the bobcat's urine and/or feces.
Bobcats have excellent vision and hearing and a well-developed sense of smell.
Unlike the domesticated house cat, bobcats enjoy the water and are very good swimmers.
As incredibly skilled climbers, bobcats easily maneuver around rocky terrain and climb up tall trees when pursuing their prey.
Bobcats are quiet hunters who pounce on their prey and kill it with one bite. These large cats are known to leap up to ten feet in the air.
Bobcat tracks are easy to distinguish - roundish paw, four toes and no claw-markings.
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