Which class to pick in Lost Ark?

Posted by MeadeDorian
from the General category at
08 Aug 2022 08:35:10 am.
Lost Ark: Where To Find Every Mokoko Seed in Borea's Domain
Borea's Domain is a vast and expansive area of East Luterra, the fourth continent of the Lost Ark. When you explore it there are many mokoko seeds. These rare items are worth a look and, in the near future, you'll be able to trade them over for a range of special rewards.
There are a total of 11 mokoko seeds found in the Borea's Domain region. 9 of these are relatively easily spotted and found when you go on your hunt. However, be aware that two of the seeds lie behind a wall that you can only penetrate after you've learned the Forest's Minuet sheet tune (more information below).
Mokoko Seed One Mokoko Seed One West Of Leyar Terrace Portal
If you are able to access the portal from Leyar Terrace, follow the direction north through the first large section. Take it out by the west exit and go toward the point where the path exits the area to head north. On the left side of the beginning of this northern path, you'll be able to see the first seed right in front of the cart's grass.
Mokoko Seed Two - Borea Fortress
At The Borea Castle Triport, take the path straight to the to the northeast. Near the end you'll find an old house that has barrels just to the left of the door. The next step is to the right of the door , hidden in the back of the wagon.
If you want to know more about P2Pah Lost Ark Gold, please visit p2pah.com
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