Breaking News

Posted by Christina1
from the Technology category at
04 Jun 2022 08:58:29 am.
We are coming in LOUD and we are coming in PROUD. The biggestthing in the history of Crypto is happening soon…<o:p></o:p> is live NOW, so takeadvantage of the many amazing opportunities<o:p></o:p>
Participate!Stake! Earn! Amazing APR<o:p></o:p>
iBull tokenholders can enjoy the following featuresoffered by the platform:
No kYC No Login , Operate seamlessly with yourwallets
Exchangedifferent token types and exchange different crypto assets with each otherdirectly. Simply enter the amount of $iBull tokens you need to exchangealongside the desired trading pair for the swapping process. Our token swapsmart contract would process the transaction instantly, followed by conversionof the coin.
ProvideLiquidity to the tokens with ease and Get Lp tokens to stake in the farms , allthanks to our liquidity feature. Enjoy high token stability and invulnerabilityto large swings in the market all thanks to large trades on the ibullswapExchange. At the same time, the large number of participants and orders in ourliquid market efficiently helps cater large orders and maintain relativelystable prices.
Earn IBULLToken by Staking in your favorite LP farms. Lend crypto currency to ibullswapexchange in farms to provide liquidity for trading and get amazing incentivesin return. Yield farmers deposit their crypto currency coins in a liquiditypool through a dApp and the smart contracts running on the blockchainfacilitate lending the coins to other users for trading and borrowing.
ibullswap exchange pairs iBull tokenwith other high performing tokens, including BNB, BUSD, CAKE, USDT, UST, LTC,BTCB, ETH and XRP. BNB, BUSD, USDT are already doing so well giving stakersvery amazing APRs courtesy of their crazy high multiplying factors (50-100x). <o:p></o:p>
The exchange also offers users accessother token pairs, such as BUSD-BNB, BTCB-BNB, ETH-BNB, USDC-BUSD, TRX-BUSD,USDT-BNB, and XRP-BNB, also with notably high APRs (20x multiplying factor). <o:p></o:p>
Enjoy highearnings with single asset staking. Stake IBULL Token to Earn IBULL Token withour Pools, High APR per Day, Week, Monthly and Yearly. You earn rewards just bybeing an iBuller. Lock up your $iBull coins to facilitate crypto currencyminting while at the same time enabling our DeFi services such as lending ormargin trading. By staking, you actively participate in transaction validation.Anyone with a minimum-required balance of iBull crypto currency can validatetransactions and earn staking rewards.
Make a Bullchain! Earn $IBULL from yourfriend stake<o:p></o:p>
Enjoy ourunique referral program and a chance to earn a passive income from Poolearning. Share the referral link to invite your friends and earn 2% of their earningsFOREVER!
Tags - cryptocurrency,blockchain, bitcoin
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