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<!-- x-tinymce/html -->A young child's eyes expand with delight as she turns the pages of her new book in a little, sunlit corner of a busy classroom, her fingers following the letters she has just learned to say. ...Read entire post
Posted on: 10 Sep 2024 08:58:43 pm
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<!-- x-tinymce/html -->The walls of a second-grade classroom covered in vibrant posters and the air charged with great expectation. Previously reluctant to read aloud, a small child now stands boldly book in hand, ...Read entire post
Posted on: 05 Sep 2024 10:11:54 pm
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<!-- x-tinymce/html -->A small child's eyes sparkle in a well-lit classroom as he reads a sentence correctly from his phonics book. This little but significant event emphasizes the transforming power of reading too...Read entire post
Posted on: 05 Sep 2024 09:49:53 pm
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